Saturday 27 July 2019

conservation laws - Does a particle annihilate only with its antiparticle? If yes, why?

Or to put the question another way - what is the result of a proton-positron collision, or an up quark-charm antiquark collision, etc.? As far as I know, annihilation happens only between particles of opposite charge and same mass, but perhaps I am wrong?

And if the types of annihilation mentioned above cannot happen, what are the reasons?


It depends on your definition of annihilation. But microscopically all processes are described by Feynman diagrams such as these

enter image description here

of which last one describes electron positron annihilation (if it weren't for the typo in the out-going photon). But as you can see it's all a simple matter of how you turn your head around and the very same diagram represents emission (or absorption) of photon by electron (or positron). Does electron annihilate with photon and create a brand new electron? You can certainly interpret it that way. In other words, it's just a question of terminology and interpretation. Actual physics doesn't depend on how you call the process. It is encoded in the underlying math of quantum field theory (QFT).

In any case, the punchline is that annihilation (in the strict sense of particle-antiparticle inelastic collision) doesn't have a special place in one's vocabulary once they learn their QFT and particle physics. It's just one particular kind of interaction. So you might as well ask which arbitrary interactions are allowed. And answer to that is: there's quite a lot of them and they are described by Standard Model. But the basic picture is that particles can be charged under certain charges: either the familiar electromagnetic, or less familiar weak and strong charges. Or in more modern language whether some families of particles form a multiplet under some gauge group. For weak force with group SU(2) you get lepton (e.g. electron-neutrino) and quark (e.g. up-down) doublets. For strong force with group SU(3) you need triplets and these are precisely the red green blue colors of quarks that you probably heard about.

In any case, for every multiplet there is a diagram like the ones above where you have two charged particles and one mediating particle between them (photon, weak bosons or gluons). Besides this you can also get funnier diagrams with e.g. three or four gluon lines. But that's it, these are all of allowed interactions of Standard Model.

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