Wednesday 24 July 2019

black holes - Is it possible to change the frequency of the light by magnetic fields?

I do not recall where, but I have read someting about the light approaching a blackhole. In the writing, it was said that an object would gain kinetical energy due to the blackhole's gravity, and would increase its speed. On the other hand, when the light approaches than an object, it would gain kinetical energy as well, but the speed of it would not change: The frequency would. And so, an idea appeared in my head; since the mass-gravity is the weakest among gravities, what would happen if it was tried to affect the frequency of light through magnetism. Of course, even though the mass-gravity is the weakest, the blackhole is being talked of, so to be equal, a lot of magnetic force would be needed, doubtly. Yet, regardless of the ammount, I would like to learn if the statement I've read about is true, and if it is; I would like to learn if it is possible to affect the light by magnetism.

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