Thursday 25 December 2014

gravity - What is the cause of gravitional force of attraction?

Ok,this is a silly question. But for quite long I have been thinking about this. What is gravitation all about?? My book directly writes since force of gravitation is directly proportional to the masses and inversly proportional to the square of the distance ie. $$F = G\frac{M_1 . M_2}{r^2}$$ . So is this gravitation all about? What is the cause of it? The book then says

We are not in the scope in classical approach so as to discuss the cause of this. However,as a matter of fact that if there are more than one mass,then there is gravitation as it is their fundamental property.( Cause of gravitation can be attributed to exchange of non-classical particles between the masses) .

Then it ended the talkings. What are those non-classical particles? Why and how are they exchanged? So far I have studied physics , I never found such weird phenomenon like this. I want to know what is the cause of gravitation and what is the cause of exchange of those so-called non-classical particles? And how do they do it?

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