Wednesday 24 December 2014

logical deduction - Not enough pylons!

Bob is a temp working with a construction company in repairing roads and barriers. One day Bob got called up to repair a barrier along a strip of highway. Bob will need 100 "Company X" pylons to divert traffic away from his site while he repairs. Being the best employee around, Bob goes into work the day before to round up the pylons he needs. After looking everywhere in the warehouse, Bob is only able to find 50 "company X" pylons! He then realized John must have taken the rest and hidden them from Bob. Bob also found a note that says his supervisor will be driving by each site tomorrow for inspection! If his supervisor sees that Bob is not following protocol of using proper pylons, he will surely be fired!

The next day after Bob was clever and did some tricks he was able to finish the repairs without getting fired.

How did Bob save his job?


  • Bob has the rest of the day to prepare, and has the supplies in the warehouse to his disposal (But there are no other "Company X" pylons).

  • If Bob tried to use hand craft fake pylons (or non "Company X" pylons), his supervisor would surely notice and Bob would not be following company rules!

  • Bob has already called John asking for pylons but John said he buried them and encrypted the location. (John won't share the encryption, he's said too much already)

  • There is shipment being made to the warehouse in 2 days with more pylons, but this will be too late for Bob.


First of all, break the rear-view mirrors of the supervisor's car (admit it, you've always wanted to do that!).
Then, split each pylon into two identical pieces, and place them along the road. Without a rear-view mirror, the supervisor won't notice that the pylons were divided!

enter image description here

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