Tuesday 30 December 2014

word - Is this selfmade wordplay solvable and strong enough?

Here is a question I have created myself and I want to use it in a self-created game. But I want to check if others can solve it. It is designed to be a little bit challenging.

I am standing around
All night All day
Have multiple guys in me
forever they will stay
no possibility to say
"Please go away"
Some of them sometimes leave for a while

But they are back by no later than closing time
The guys can be used for drawing
Do you know my name?


Maybe the closing time-part is confusing. The closing time for a office is meant.

Edit2 : Maybe this could help: enter image description here


Based on @RadoslavHristov's answer.

You're a

Pen/Pencil holder

Im standing around All night All day

You are, on your desk for example

Have multiple guys in me

Refers to the pens/pencils

forever they will stay no possibility to say "Please go away"

Obviously, they don't speak

Some of them sometimes leave for a while

They are used to write

But they are back by no later than closing time

We always put them back in their place

The guys can be used for drawing

Obvious when you're a pen!

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