Tuesday 16 December 2014

quantum mechanics - Derivation of canonical position-momentum commutator relation

We know that the position-momentum commutator is fundamental in quantum mechanics, but would it be possible to derive it starting from a different set of first principles, more specifically starting (in Dirac notation) from

1) Closure relations $ \int|x\rangle \, \langle x| dx $ (both momentum and position bases)

2) $ \left\langle \left.x'\right|x\right\rangle = \delta \left(x-x'\right) $ Orthonormality relations for both bases

3) $ \left\langle \left.x\right|p\right\rangle = e^{\text{ipx}} $ the assumption that momentum eigenstates are plane waves in the position representation


Implicit in the assumption of "position" and "momentum" bases should be the eigenvalue eqs. for the corresponding observables, $\hat x\; |x\rangle = x |x\rangle$ and $\hat p\; |p\rangle = p |p\rangle$, although the expression of $\hat p$ in the position basis is not necessary. With this understood, consider the matrix element

$$\langle x |(\hat x \hat p - \hat p \hat x | x' \rangle = (x-x')\langle x |\hat p | x' \rangle =\\ = (x-x')\int{dp_1 \int{dp_2 \langle x |p_1\rangle \langle p_1|\hat p |p_2\rangle \langle p_2 | x'\rangle }}= \\ = (x-x')\int{dp_1 \int{dp_2 e^{ip_1x}\delta(p_1-p_2)p_2e^{-ip_2x'}}} = \\ = (x-x')\int{dp_1 \;p_1 e^{i(x-x')p_1}} = -i(x-x')\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\int{dp_1 \; e^{i(x-x')p_1}}=\\ = -i(x-x')\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\delta(x-x') = i\delta(x-x') = i\langle x|x'\rangle $$ where use was made of the identity $(x-a)\delta'(x-a) = -\delta(x-a)$. Since $|x\rangle$, $|x'\rangle$ are arbitrary, $$ [\hat x, \hat p] = i $$ follows necessarily.

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