Sunday 30 August 2015

electromagnetism - Getting incorrect results applying Ampere's law

Let’s say we have a current wire with a current $I$ flowing. We know there is a field of $B=\frac{\mu_0I}{2\pi r}$ by using Ampère's law, and a simple integration path which goes circularly around the wire. Now if we take the path of integration as so the surface spans doesn’t intercept the wire we trivially get a $B=0$ which is obviously incorrect.

I see that I have essentially treated it as if there is no current even present. But a similar argument is used in other situations without fault.

Take for example a conducting cylinder with a hollow, cylindrical shaped space inside. By the same argument there is no field inside.

To further illustrate my point, the derivation of the B field inside of a solenoid requires you to intercept the currents. You can’t simply do the loop inside of the air gap.

This, at least to me, seems like the same thing, and I can’t justify why one is incorrect and the other is incorrect. Please point out why I am stupid.

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