Monday 31 August 2015

wordplay - What is the name of this puzzle?

The English dictionary, as you may know, is a highly mutable entity.

While removing words such as irregardless might be considered a good thing, others, such as
snollygoster (n.): a shrewd, unprincipled person
are considered obsolete and will be missed, at least by me.

Other words have actually changed due to constant misuse. The one that disappoints me most is the fact that "literally" does not necessarily have to relate to its primary root definition:
literal (adj.) in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical
It used to be fun to ask someone "Did you literally or metaphorically have your head in the toilet 'all night?'" Now, the correct answer might be "Both."

With this time-tested tradition of inventing new words and changing existing words "willy nilly," I propose the following twelve new definitions of existing words.

Your goal is to

  • determine the words being defined, and

  • discover the word that literally (I swear!) presents itself as a moniker for this type of word (the name of this puzzle).

  1. Uninspired mobile phone photograph (6)
    _ _ _ _ _ _

  2. Background checks on the key people in a company (8)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  3. Adorable (condescending?) term for an inexperienced user of the World Wide Web (8)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  4. An athletic protective cup (8)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  5. Blog about electric, wrought, and farm items (9)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  6. Spasmodic contraction caused by imprecise puzzle postings(8)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  7. Marijuana prescribed for an STD* (9)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  8. A Preggo's painful ped part (9)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  9. Donation by a celebrity look-a-like "baby daddy" (9)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  10. A trail to avoid in NYC's Central Park (10)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  11. What I'm doing when someone throws poop at me** (9)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  12. Discounted feminine product for everyone. (7)
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*Possibly not technically an STD
**Happens more often than you'd think
☑ indicates a correct answer has been found

Note: Please create a chatroom and offer invitations if you want to discuss the concept, as opposed to discussing the solution to the puzzle.

***Hint Regarding Title:

substr(0, 1) || substr(-1, 1)


So, all the words have been discovered. Another answer already lists them all, so I won't repeat them. What is missing is the name of the puzzle. We have this clue:

substr(0, 1) || substr(-1, 1)

which refers to a function used in some programming languages. Translated in English, it means:

Take either the first character, or the last one.

So, what it means for us is that we have to take the list of all the answers and

Choose, from each word, whether to take the first or the last letter (nitpicking: it could also mean that we have to take both, but it turns out that it is not the case).

We also know, from a comment that the OP left, that

The Questions are in random order.

So, this is the list that we have to work on:



Now... I tried to figure it out, and some partial words that do fit are:

mend, amend, def

Which I would combine into:

Amendef (=Amend definition)

Which I find fitting, because it is formed in the way that this game works, and it even describes what it does! Unfortunately, this word doesn't exist. So, please bear with me if I say "amen" to that! ;-)

But this can't be the solution, because it doesn't use all the answers. So, I've written a program to try a brute-force with all the 12-letters words that I've found, and the result is...


For completeness, here is how it can be formed (there are actually 24 different ways to form it, assuming my program has no bugs, but I'll show just this one):

Letter 'e' taken from pair 1 (ce)
Letter 'n' taken from pair 2 (ng)
Letter 'c' taken from pair 5 (pc)
Letter 'h' taken from pair 9 (ph)
Letter 'a' taken from pair 7 (ay)
Letter 'n' taken from pair 10 (tn)
Letter 't' taken from pair 3 (td)
Letter 'm' taken from pair 0 (mc)
Letter 'e' taken from pair 8 (se)

Letter 'n' taken from pair 11 (gn)
Letter 't' taken from pair 4 (ft)
Letter 's' taken from pair 6 (cs)

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