Friday, 12 February 2016

electromagnetism - What do we mean with magnetic monopole and dipole?

  1. What do we mean with magnetic monopole and dipole? I can not find a way to relate magnetic monopoles and dipoles with electric ones. I do not understand their outcomes.

  2. Also,what is their role in Gauss' law for magnetism (the net magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero)?

  3. I read that the magnetic dipoles are essential for the meaning of this law. Why?

  4. If magnetic monopoles existed,then why would the law not be valid?

  5. Lastly,why do we say that the magnetic field is divergeless?

  6. Some physicists try to find a magnetic monopole (something Dirac tried to explain i think). So if they actually find one, what does that mean?

  7. For a classic magnet(N-S) we know that we have charges inside moving in a circular motion and they althogether form that magnetic field of the magnet. So how does finding a magnetic monopole change this? What does it mean for those small currents?

(I might understood something wrong here so enlighten me please!)

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