Friday, 12 February 2016

thermodynamics - How can it be that the sun emits more than a black body?

As far as I know, a black body is an ideal emitter. So how can it be that a non-ideal emitter emits more radiation than a black body?

This happens only in a very limited area at around 500nm, but it still happens: it looks like at the maximum it is around 15% above black body.

This seems impossibile for my understand of a black body. Especially because just for that there is the emissivity value ε, or better ε(λ)

Wikipedia Emissivity: Quantitatively, emissivity is the ratio of the thermal radiation from a surface to the radiation from an ideal black surface at the same temperature. The ratio varies from 0 to 1

Means 0 ≤ ε(λ) ≤ 1

What is the right interpretation? What is the sun doing there, seems like ε(500nm)=1.15?

Solar spectrum


The total radiative power emitted by the Sun is equivalent to the total radiative power emitted by an ideal black body with a temperature of 5778 K and a surface area equal to that of the Sun. This 5778 K is the Sun's effective temperature. The spectrum of the Sun is very close to that of a 5778 K black body, but there are deviations. Some are due to absorption and emission, but others result from three key items:

  • There is no such thing as black body. The concept of a black body is an idealization based on some simplifying assumptions. The Sun doesn't exactly satisfy those simplifying assumptions.

  • That effective temperature of 5778 K is based on total radiative power, the area under the curve of the Planck distribution. If the spectrum of sunlight falls short of the 5778 K black body spectrum some wavelengths it must necessarily rise above the 5778 K black body spectrum at others.

  • The primary reason the Sun fails to satisfy the assumptions that underly the Planck distribution is that we are seeing light from multiple temperature sources. The rest of this answer goes into this in detail

The Sun is not a solid body. It doesn't have a surface from which the radiation originates. The radiation we see from the Sun comes primarily from the Sun's photosphere, a roughly 500 kilometer thick layer near the top of the Sun. The chromosphere, transition region, and corona are above the photosphere. While these higher layers do make solar radiation deviate from the ideal black body curve, the primary source is the photosphere itself.

The amount of light that is transmitted into empty space is a sharply increasing function of distance from the center. However, it is not a delta distribution. The light that does get through from those deeper layers has a higher temperature than the layers above it. The bulk of the radiation we see from the Sun comes from a ~500 km thick layer called the photosphere. The top of the photosphere has a temperature of about 4400 K and has a pressure of about 86.8 pascals. The bottom has a temperature of about 6000 K and a pressure of about 12500 pascals.

What we see is a blend of the radiation from throughout the photosphere. Some of the light comes from the top of the photosphere, some from the middle, some from the bottom, roughly weighted by pressure. The total spectrum looks close to that of a 5778 K black body, but the contribution from the bottommost part of the photosphere tilts the spectrum away from the ideal a bit, making the a tiny bit heavy for shorter wavelength radiation.

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