Wednesday, 24 February 2016

wavefunction - Modern explanation of the Young experiment with Quantum Field Theory?

In the Young double slit experiment it is possible to detect the arrival of individual photons as well as an interference pattern.

It doesn't makes much sense to me that something could be either a particle either a wave, neither the use of the wave function collapse to explain individual photon observation.

I have therefore been reading answers to this question on stack exchange, and quite reasuringly, wave-particle duality is considered wrong. Quantum field theory is refered as the correct answer, however it is never explained in any details.

What is the (advanced) layman explanation of Young experiment with QFT?

Thinking about this paradox, I found an explanation that I believe is convincing:

  • there is no individual particle travelling, only waves

  • waves only probabilistically interact with matter (like it is the case with neutrinos)

  • waves have a certain probability to interact with matter which depend on the energy at a given physical location (which depend on waves superposition) and on the material used to build the detector (should not be transparent at the wavelength used by the coherent source)

Is this explanation consistent with QFT?

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