Sunday 4 August 2019

quantum mechanics - A meaningful distinction between determinism and causality

Causality is generally accepted to be a fundamental physical principle. But quantum mechanics is acausal (e.g. there is no 'why' as to the result of a measurement of the position of a particle in an infinite 1D square potential well). In which case what is a distinction between causality and determinism, that has a meaningful non-acausal definition of causality.

It seems to me that "causality = determinism + quantum mechanics". It seems that it doesn't provide any new concepts, it's just a flawed attempt to reconcile determinism with the arbitrary probabilistic nature of QM, which are ultimately unreconcilable. Does anyone agree with this idea? If not, I would like someone to try and convince me that I'm wrong.

I am fully aware that a lot of threads barking up this tree, and I have tried reading many of them, but none seem to crystallize my problem very well.


Let's clarify the concepts:

  • Determinism: for a given experimental set up, every experiment will yield the same results. QM are not deterministic, if you measure a superposition of states, you could get one or the other, with certain probability, and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • Causality: causes happen before its effects. QM is causal, because if you have a system in superposition and do a measurement on it, you destroy the decoherence and make it collapse. But this happens as you measure, not before. You cannot change the outcome of the experiment you did yesterday.

And let me throw another one:

  • Teleology: everything happens for a reason. Giraffes evolved to have a long neck so they could eat from the high branches. The electron jumped to a lower level so it would release a photon and you could read. This is a matter of pure philosophy, not science.

Your "there is no 'why' as to the result of a measurement of the position of a particle in an infinite 1D square potential well" falls into the teleological approach, not on the causality. Causality tells you that I pressed the button on the machine before the measurement, but it is completely irrelevant why I did it.

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