Saturday 15 November 2014

cipher - The bakery - Clue Twenty One

<<---First clue
<---Previous clue

(No, I haven't just gone and jeopardized Mithrandir's entire series, I have been given permission by him to do clue 21.)

A note from @Mithrandir: I have given explicit permission for @BeastlyGerbil to post this, and gave him the answer to encode. If you want to post one, ping @Mithrandir in chat and we'll talk.

Before you can even have a moment to celebrate solving the previous clue, a trapdoor opens beneath you and you fall into darkness. You scream before opening your eyes to find you are no longer falling but landed on a padded floor. The trapdoor is just above your head but just out of reach.

You look around and are confronted by a picture which on first appearance seems to be levitating in front of you, though you suspect there are wires, suspending it from the ceiling, hidden in the darkness. You move forward to scrutinize the picture more.

enter image description here

Next clue--->


By clicking on the image we get

enter image description here

To get the next image

Take the coloured letters and put them in the order of the colours on the tarp - oeEzg

Which is

enter image description here

This is

representing binary. 8 ball pool = 8 bit binary. For the number of the ball on the table, $n$, the $n$th byte is a 1. For instance, if only ball 8 was on the table, that would represent 00000001.


1. Balls 23568 = 01101101 = m
2. Balls 2356 = 01101100 = l
3. Balls 2358 = 01101001 = i
4. Balls 238 = 01100001 = a
5. Balls 2468 = 01010101 = U



which is

enter image description here

This is

Morse code - a pencil being a dash and a marble a dot.

If part of the image is higher up then it represents capitalization.

This gives



enter image description here


Xs here are braille.

They give


Which is

enter image description here

Sign language for


which is the final image

enter image description here

The answer is


which is hidden

My enigma ceases now, - end of enigma and start of ceases
My last race here, - 1st of first word, 2nd of second etc.

Just a sec, ample brow, - backwards in ample and sec
Give face eaten mare. - backwards 4th of first, 3rd of second etc.
Maybe all, canned ear? - First letters
From sea, magic here. - Last letters

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