Saturday 10 October 2015

rebus - Emojiture Challenge

This is the first question for the new Fortnightly Topic Challenge #5: Literature. My inspiration source was a TV show.

I wanted to read some books during holidays, so a friend sent me a list of some international classic books. Unfortunately he recently discovered Emoji's, and most of his communication attempts look like this:

1. ❓🗾 2. 🔴🌍 3. 🗻🗻😨 4. 🛄🎯🌍 5. ☝️🕘🐙🍀 6. ➕👤👤👤👤 7. 🌟🚢👮👮👮 8. 🐖🐎🐐🐕🐑🐔

Can you help me to find out which books he recommended?


Each author has written 2 books in this list.


Got them all!

1) The Mysterious Island (Jules Verne)
2) Red Planet (Robert A. Heinlein)
3) The Valley of Fear (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
4) Journey to the Center of the Earth (Jules Verne)
5) Nineteen Eighty Four (George Orwell) (1 finger - 9 o'clock - 8 legs - 4 leaves)
6) The Sign of Four (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
7) Starship Troopers (Robert A. Heinlein)
8) Animal Farm (George Orwell)

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