Saturday 10 October 2015

word - Feast Your Eyes on a Riley Riddle

Currently working on my fourth anagram puzzle, so in the meantime, I have made a Riley Riddle. Sorry if this riddle seems rather lazy or if the title appears subjective (depending on whether you like Riley Riddles or not — I know I do!).

My prefix needs a shovel.

My suffix ends a night.

My infix tops a bottle.

From a flight, I'm a delight.

What am I?

The title is a clue.


Are you a


My prefix needs a shovel.

A HOLE needs a shovel.

My suffix ends a night.

A DAY ends a night.

My infix tops a bottle.

A LID tops a bottle.

From a flight, I'm a delight.

HOLIDAYS are a delight, especially when you take a flight to get there.


Feasts are associated with HOLIDAYS.

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