Sunday 24 July 2016

electrostatics - Difference between electric field $mathbf E$ and electric displacement field $mathbf D$

$$\mathbf D = \varepsilon \mathbf E$$ I don't understand the difference between $\mathbf D$ and $\mathbf E$. When I have a plate capacitor, a different medium inside will change $\mathbf D$, right? $\mathbf E$ is only dependent from the charges right?


$\mathbf E$ is the fundamental field in Maxwell equations, so it depends on all charges. But materials have lots of internal charges you usually don't care about. You can get rid of them by introducing polarization $\mathbf P$ (which is the material's response to the applied $\mathbf E$ field). Then you can subtract the effect of internal charges and you'll obtain equations just for free charges. These equations will look just like the original Maxwell equations but with $\mathbf E$ replaced by $\mathbf D$ and charges by just free charges. Similar arguments hold for currents and magnetic fields.

With this in mind, you see that you need to take $\mathbf D$ in your example because $\mathbf E$ is sensitive also to the polarized charges inside the medium (about which you don't know anything). So the $\mathbf E$ field inside will be $\varepsilon$ times that for the conductor in vacuum.

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