Tuesday 26 July 2016

homework and exercises - Scalar invariance under Lorentz-transformation

With $u^\alpha v^\beta$ the components of two vector fields, is

$$u^\alpha v^\alpha=u^1v^1+u^2v^2+u^3v^3+u^4v^4$$

a scalar invariant under a Lorentz-transformation? And why?


First note that your expression of $u^{\alpha}v^{\alpha}$ is wrong. Einstein summation convention tell you that you sum if an index appears twice - once up and once down. Thus, in fact


The quantity $u^\alpha v^\beta$, on the other hand, is a tensor of rank $(2,0)$, which can be represented by a $4\times 4$ matrix


so by writing $u^\alpha v^\alpha$ you refer to its diagonal elements.

Second, you are confusing upper and lower indices. The location of the index determines its transformation properties. Take for example a vector $v^\alpha$, it transform in the following manner

$$v^{\alpha^\prime}=\frac{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}{\partial x^\alpha}v^\alpha$$

On the other hand, a co-vector $u_{\alpha}$ transforms differently

$$u_{\alpha^\prime}=\frac{\partial x^{\alpha}}{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}u_{\alpha}$$

In your case, the quantity $u^\alpha v^\beta$ transform like this

$$u^{\alpha^\prime} v^{\beta^\prime}=\frac{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}{\partial x^\alpha}\frac{\partial x^{\beta^\prime}}{\partial x^\beta}u^\alpha v^\beta$$

and in particular, the diagonal elements

$$u^{\alpha^\prime} v^{\alpha^\prime}=\frac{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}{\partial x^\alpha}\frac{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}{\partial x^\beta}u^\alpha v^\beta$$

In general, it is not invariant under the Lorentz transformations. However, the quantity $u^\alpha v_\alpha$ has no free indices since you sum over $\alpha$, and thus it remains invariant under transformations. You can also see it by transforming $u^\alpha$ and $v_\alpha$ separately

$$u^{\alpha^\prime}v_{\alpha^\prime}=\frac{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}{\partial x^\beta}u^\beta\frac{\partial x^{\gamma}}{\partial x^{\alpha^\prime}}v_\gamma=\frac{\partial x^{\gamma}}{\partial x^\beta}u^\beta v_\gamma=\delta^{\gamma}_{\beta}u^\beta v_\gamma=u^\beta v_\beta$$

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