Saturday 23 July 2016

special relativity - Could the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle turn out to be false?

While investigating the EPR Paradox, it seems like only two options are given, when there could be a third that is not mentioned - Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle being given up.

The setup is this (in the wikipedia article): given two entangled particles, separated by a large distance, if one is measured then some additional information is known about the other; the example is that Alice measures the z-axis and Bob measures the x-axis position, but to preserve the uncertainty principle it's thought that either information is transmitted instantaneously (faster than light, violating the special theory of relativity) or information is pre-determined in hidden variables, which looks to be not the case.

What I'm wondering is why the HUP is not questioned? Why don't we investigate whether a situation like this does indeed violate it, instead of no mention of its possibility? Has the HUP been verified experimentally to the point where it is foolish to question it (like gravity, perhaps)?

It seems that all the answers are not addressing my question, but addressing waveforms/commutative relations/fourier transforms. I am not arguing against commutative relations or fourier transforms. Is not QM the theory that particles can be represented as these fourier transforms/commutative relations? What I'm asking this: is it conceivable that QM is wrong about this in certain instances, for example a zero state energy, or at absolute zero, or in some area of the universe or under certain conditions we haven't explored? As in:

Is the claim then that if momentum and position of a particle were ever to be known somehow under any circumstance, Quantum Mechanics would have to be completely tossed out? Or could we say QM doesn't represent particles at {absolute zero or some other bizarre condition} the same way we say Newtonian Physics is pretty close but doesn't represent objects moving at a decent fraction of the speed of light?

EPR Paradox: "It considered two entangled particles, referred to as A and B, and pointed out that measuring a quantity of a particle A will cause the conjugated quantity of particle B to become undetermined, even if there was no contact, no classical disturbance."

"According to EPR there were two possible explanations. Either there was some interaction between the particles, even though they were separated, or the information about the outcome of all possible measurements was already present in both particles."

These are from the wikipedia article on the EPR Paradox. This seems to me to be a false dichotomy; the third option being: we could measure the momentum of one entangled particle, the position of the other simultaneously, and just know both momentum and position and beat the HUP. However, this is just 'not an option,' apparently.

I'm not disputing that two quantities that are fourier transforms of each other are commutative / both can be known simultaneously, as a mathematical construct. Nor am I arguing that the HUP is indeed false. I'm looking for justification not just that subatomic particles can be models at waveforms under certain conditions (Earth like ones, notably), but that a waveform is the only thing that can possibly represent them, and any other representation is wrong. You van verify the positive all day long, that still doesn't disprove the negative. It is POSSIBLE that waveforms do not correctly model particles in all cases at all times. This wouldn't automatically mean all of QM is false, either - just that QM isn't the best model under certain conditions. Why is this not discussed?


In precise terms, the Heisenberg uncertainty relation states that the product of the expected uncertainties in position and in momentum of the same object is bounded away from zero.

Your entanglement example at the end of your edit does not fit this, as you measure only once, hence have no means to evaluate expectations. You may claim to know something but you have no way to check it. In other entanglement experiments, you can compare statistics on both sides, and see that they conform to the predictions of QM. In your case, there is nothing to compare, so the alleged knowledge is void.

The reason why the Heisenberg uncertainty relation is undoubted is that it is a simple algebraic consequence of the formalism of quantum mechanics and the fundamental relation $[x,p]=i\hbar$ that stood at the beginning of an immensely successful development. Its invalidity would therefore imply the invalidity of most of current physics.

Bell inequalities are also a simple algebraic consequence of the formalism of quantum mechanics but already in a more complex set-up. They were tested experimentally mainly because they shed light on the problem of hidden variables, not because they are believed to be violated.

The Heisenberg uncertainty relation is mainly checked for consistency using Gedanken experiments, which show that it is very difficult to come up with a feasible way of defeating it. In the past, there have been numerous Gedanken experiments along various lines, including intuitive and less intuitive settings, and none could even come close to establishing a potential violation of the HUP.

Edit: One reaches experimental limitations long before the HUP requires it. Nobody has found a Gedankenexperiment for how to do defeat the HUP, even in principle. We don't know of any mechanism to stop an electron, thereby bringing it to rest. It is not enough to pretend such a mechanism exists; one must show a way how to achieve it in principle. For example, electron traps only confine an electron to a small region a few atoms wide, where it will roam with a large and unpredictable momentum, due to the confinement.
Thus until QM is proven false, the HUP is considered true. Any invalidation of the foundations of QM (and this includes the HUP) would shake the world of physicists, and nobody expects it to happen.

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