Wednesday 7 August 2019

newtonian mechanics - Why springs in series experience equal force?

According to Wikipedia if the springs connected in series to a block of mass wouldn't be experiencing equal forces then the springs would buckle.What do they mean when it says 'springs would buckle '?Why do they buckle ? How can we understand/accept/feel that springs experience equal forces?


How can we understand/accept/feel that springs experience equal forces?

  • Put a book on a spring on a table. The spring carries the whole weight: $$F_{spring}=w_{book}$$

  • Put a spring on a spring on a table and put a book on top. The top spring carries the weight of the book; the bottom spring carries the weight of the book and the top spring: $$F_{spring,top}=w_{book}\\ F_{spring,bottom}=w_{book}+w_{spring,top}$$

Usually you consider springs to have (negligibly) small masses, so $w_{spring,top}\approx 0$.

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