Saturday 11 April 2020

quantum mechanics - Why is superdeterminism generally regarded as a joke?

Before anything, I'm sorry for being an outsider coming to opine about your field. This is almost always a stupid decision, but I do have a good justification for this case. I've been reading about superdeterminism and it bothered me that most of you treat it as a joke. Well, before anything, I think at this point in history we should've already learned the lesson: ridiculous sounding ideas often end up becoming standards science, and that form of idealogical bullying should never exist. But, if at least the arguments were convincing, one could make an excuse for the author. Except not, his arguments sound just like someone with total lack of understanding of idea who rants against it just because he doesn't like it. "Superdeterminism would mean nature is sending magic agents to control our brains and conspire against us!" Is this even serious?

Yes, as a computer scientist I do think superdeterminism is the most natural approach to how the universe works. On my view the idea of "free will" - as in, something coming from outside the universe, interacting with the information stored in our brain and determining what we do physically - is the sketchy approach, not the opposite. I do think true randomness is the one that requires a lot of magical intervention, while superdeterminism is much more solid. And I even think recent insights support it without need for any "magical agents". But that is not the reason I'm mad - after all, I'm an outsider and my views doesn't matter a dime. It is because such an important idea with huge implications is regarded as a joke and not even considered just for matters of taste, with no actual proof or evidence of the case. And this is something I do have the right to complain, regardless of the field.

So, please, could anyone justify this prejudice?

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