Monday 13 April 2020

resource recommendations - Advanced topics in string theory

I'm looking for texts about topics in string theory that are "advanced" in the sense that they go beyond perturbative string theory. Specifically I'm interested in

  1. String field theory (including superstrings and closed strings)

  2. D-branes and other branes (like the NS5)

  3. Dualities

  4. M-theory

  5. AdS/CFT

  6. Matrix theory

  7. F-theory

  8. Topological string theory

  9. Little string theory

I'm not interested (at the moment) at string phenomenology and cosmology

I prefer texts which are (in this order of importance)

  • Top-down i.e. would give the conceptual reason for something first instead of presenting it as an ad-hoc construction, even if the conceptual reason is complicated

  • Use the most appropriate mathematical language / abstractions (I'm not afraid of highbrow mathematics)

  • Up to date with recent developments

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