Sunday, 17 January 2016

general relativity - Is it always possible to have a (local) time coordinate in GR?

Apologies for the confusing title, it is late here. I'm wondering exactly what meaning the "time coordinate" has in General Relativity. We always write the line element as $$\tag{1} ds^2=g_{00}(dx^{0})^2+2g_{0i}dx^0dx^i+g_{ij}dx^idx^j,$$ with the assumption that $x^0$ is some kind of time coordinate, and $x^i$ are spatial coordinates. However, as light cone coordinates show, if we pick a random coordinate system, the metric will not be in the form (1). Is the existence of coordinate systems as in (1) an axiom or can it be derived somehow? By a time coordinate I mean that the time coordinate lines should have timelike tangent vectors, and similarly with spacelike coordinates.


Let $(M^{n+1},g)$ be a Lorentzian manifold. Given $p\in M$, we will show that there is a coordinate system $(x^\mu)$ defined on an open set $p\in U\subset M$ such that $\partial_0$ is a timelike vector field, and $\partial_i$ are spacelike vector fields for $i=1,\dotsc,n$.

Let $(x^\mu)$ be an arbitrary chart defined on $U\ni p$. It is known that $T_pM$ is the span of $\{\partial_0,\partial_1,\dotsc,\partial_n\}$. As $g_p$ has signature $(-,+,\dotsc,+)$, we may find linearly independent vectors $v_\mu$, $\mu=0,1,\dotsc,n$, such that $g_p(v_0,v_0)=-1,$ $g_p(v_i,v_i)=+1$. These vectors are linear combinations of $\{\partial_0,\partial_1,\dotsc,\partial_n\}$. By a linear change of coordinates, we can find a coordinate system $(y^\mu)$ such that $\partial/\partial y^\mu=\partial_\mu'=v_\mu$ at $p$. By continuity, there is a neighborhood $V_0\subset U$ of $p$ such that $g(\partial_0',\partial_0')<0$, i.e., $\partial_0'$ is timelike on $V_0$. Similarly, there exist neighborhoods $V_i$ such that $g(\partial_i',\partial_i')>0$ on $V_i$. We take $V=V_0\cap\cdots \cap V_n$, which is a neighborhood of $p$. By changing each coordinate value by a constant, we can adjust the origin without changing the aforementioned vector fields. Then $(y^\mu)$ is the desired coordinate system on $V$.

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