Saturday 19 March 2016

logical deduction - logic problem/puzzle solving

I'm here to ask you if it is possible to find a way to solve this problem. I'm designing the puzzle-enigma section of a video game and try to find possible solutions and mechanic for it.

Imagine each circle in the pic below is a platform and the rest of empty squares is void. Only the first platform is active and "usable"(say you can step on it). You have six characters that have to go from one side to the other stepping only on the platforms and each platform admits one to six characters a time. Stepping on a platform instantaneously make appear the following one; however getting off it instantaneously deactivate and make disappear the following one (making eventually die a character that would be on it at the moment of the deactivation).

Is it possible for the six characters to get to the other side all alive?

The only solution I found for the moment was to change the rules of the puzzle, making each platform activate the following AND the previous one; like this, you would have the six characters one on each of the first six platforms and the bottom one going time by time to the top one.

Another idea I thought about was: each character on each platform activate one link, so two characters on one platform activate the two following ones,three characters on one platform activate the three following ones and so over, but I couldn't find a solution like this either.

Any suggestion?

Thanks for your time guys, cheers!

enter image description here

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