Wednesday 23 March 2016

Where I can find quantum entanglement, real experimental raw data

For analysis purpose, I am looking for raw data from real entanglement experiment with spin measured at two detectors, at various combinations of angles, but preferably at a single combination of angles.

To be precise, I am looking for individual pair detail data captured in the sequence it was measured as described below. The data can be for photons, but preferably for electrons.

Pair#----angle of detector1----spin outcome1----angle of detector2----spin outcome2




and so on .. This is the example of information I need, format can be different as long as sequence is preserved. Angles 30/120 are also just for example, they can be any angles.

If someone could please point me to such data. It is fine with me even if it is very large amount of data, I will handle it for analysis purpose.

If there are multiple sources of data, more the merrier. It will be also helpful to have location/distance information about generation and measuring devices

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