Saturday 12 March 2016

story - Good Apple Hunting

The boys brought him in for questioning, but I didn't think he had anything to do with this. Not really. I just had to know if he knew anything pertinent about that strange passage in the old man's will.

I proceeded to tell him how his old computer science teacher, Professor Lambeau, had been found.

"The victim was strapped securely to a chair in his office. There was a robotic arm on a table across from him that had been retrofitted so that it could shoot a laser out of its index finger. The arm was attached to a computer and the program was coded to rotate the arm slowly up from its initial downward-facing position at a rate of one degree per hour, a la 1960's Batman villains. Eventually, it reached the victim's crotchular region and continued up until the victim was cut cleanly in two.

"We suspect foul play.

"This is his will, and there's a strange section in it which is directed at you, Will. Does this mean anything to you?"

Will, apparently bored, skimmed over the document, probably understanding more of it than any of us did, but when he got to the section addressed to him, he grabbed a notebook and scribbled furiously for about 30 seconds before declaring, "We have to go see about a girl, Detective. She's the killer and I know her name."

He was right, of course, and time to time I reread that passage late at night.

To my former student Will: In the event of my untimely demise, I want you to know that I still remember that conversation we once had:

You ate my apple.
For what possible reason would I eat your apple?
Do you take me for a fool? One would hope not!
I didn't, OK, but let's say I ate your apple. Would you like for me to eat one more? Three more???
Maybe you ate four of them already! Maybe you took my watermelon, too?
Yeah, OK, I ate your watermelon, for your information, but I didn't eat even one of those apples, you old fart!

Now everyone knows that Will is wicked smaat and well known for his love of apples, but I'll never know what that message had to do with the killer's name!

Do you know the killer's name?


As mentioned in the comment below, The capital letter "I" is not a "one" because it is pronounced /aɪ/, not /wʌn/.
The "Computer-Science" tag might make you wonder if one of the numerical "clues" is inappropriate; a red herring.
I would hate for the bounty to be unrewarded.
There are 6 (six) parts to this conversational exchange. During each part, Will finds time to secretly take a nibble(sp?) from an apple. The professor notices and uses this to his advantage.
BTW, Nothing Boolean, only the integers.

Another Hint:

Paste's comment, "Assigning each line to a nibble, I came up with 1000 0100 0101 1111 1110 1101." brings us very close.


Why, her name was

Jenny, of course.


First, what everyone has deduced so far:

So far, we've figured out that each line of the conversation has homophones of powers of 2 in it:
You ate my apple. = 8
For what possible reason would I eat your apple? = 4
Do you take me for a fool? One would hope not! = 4 and 1
I didn't, OK, but let's say I ate your apple. Would you like for me to eat one more? Three more??? = 8, 4, 2, 1
Maybe you ate four of them already! Maybe you took my watermelon, too? = 8, 4, 2
Yeah, OK, I ate your watermelon, for your information, but I didn't eat even one of those apples, you old fart! = 8, 4, 1

Taking each of these lines' numbers and making them into nibbles (4-bit sequences) with 1's for each digit present, we get

8xxx x4xx x4x1 8421 842x 84x1
1000 0100 0101 1111 1110 1101.


Crunch the nibbles together to get one binary number: 100001000101111111101101. What is that in decimal? It's 8675309, and as any true 80's music aficionado would know, that number belongs to Jenny. Just ask Tommy Tutone.

How do you like them apples?

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