Sunday 27 March 2016

statistical mechanics - Can Chaos Theory be used to explain the Ising model in paramagnetic phase?

Is it possible? How can I explain the randomness of spins in the paramagnetic phase with chaos theory? In this case, is the randomness apparent?

If yes, I think the temperature would be a reasonable parameter change that is mentioned in chaotic systems, which changing the temperature leads to phase transition and consequently making it disordered. I had a brief discussion with a professor of mine regarding this, and he mentioned that temperature can't be the parameter and the reason was something like "temperature is also random or too many possible states for a specific temperature." (He was speaking in another language that I'm not so good at.)

And can the Ising model be considered a nonlinear system? How do I find the time-evolution equation of the Ising model?

Are there any experts or physicists in this field who give some comments on these? I'm quite interested in phase transitions as well as chaos theory. I'm hoping to bridge and link these two fields in my mind.

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