Thursday 24 March 2016

wordplay - And the rest is hstr!

This is an entry in the 14th Fortnightly Topic Challenge.

Ha, nice, a new fortnightly challenge. What's more, it is about history! It seems that people didn't like sports that much, huh? Fortunatly, there are (good) puzzlrs around here who seem to lke history. Like @Sleafr, who alredy postd two questins for ths challnge. Hey, what is that? I ment @Slefar, of corse. No, @Sleafar * ! God dmmt, what's happnng with the vowls? It's lke I am a @JnMarkPrr post No, t's @JonMarkPerry * ! Argh, cm on I can't evn pzzle prprly, th pnctutin s gong awy! Sht I hv to do it fst: the goal f this puzzl is to fnd the reltion betwn thse five famos quotsFindthir authrs, andyo'll fndth relatn! k, evnth spacsre vnishng... Rmmbrths s taggd hstry...






* : I'd like to thank them by the way, they inspired me to make this puzzle.


The quotes are:


'When diplomacy ends, war begins' - Adolf Hitler


'History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it' - Winston Churchill


'Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?' - Joseph Stalin


'The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs' - Charles de Gaulle


'We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future' - Franklin D. Roosevelt

They are all quotes from:

The leaders of powers in WWII (1939-45):

Adolf Hitler - Leader of the Nazi Party and Chancellor of Germany (1933-45)
Winston Churchill - Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-45/51-55)

Joseph Stalin - Leader of the Soviet Union (1920(s) -53)
Charles de Gaulle - Leader of France (1940-44)
Franklin D. Roosevelt - US President (1933-45)

Which is why it is part of the Fortnightly Topic Challenge

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