This is a follow-up to this question: What happens to waves when they hit smaller apertures than their wavelenghts?
Hans Bethe wrote a paper in 1944, "Theory of Diffraction by Small Holes," Phys. Rev. 66, 163. I don't have access to the paper, but from descriptions online it sounds like he proved the following. Suppose a plane wave impinges on an absorbing sheet, and there is a hole in the sheet of diameter $d$, with $d<\lambda$. Let $P_0$ be the power incident on the hole, and $P$ the power diffracted through the hole. Then the transmission is $T=P/P_0=(d/\lambda)^4$.
As a practical application, I think this explains why microwaves don't leak strongly through the metal grille in the front of a microwave oven.
Does the thickness of the sheet matter? From references online, it sounds like the hole is treated as a waveguide...? This seems to relate to cutoff frequencies of waveguides, etc.?
It seems to me that Huygens' principle would give $T=1$ for $d\ll\lambda$, since in this limit the wavelets are in phase. Why is Huygens' principle invalid here? Is this related to question #1?
Is there a simple argument for the proportionality to $(d/\lambda)^4$? Or if not, how does one prove this using the gory details of Bessel functions, etc.?
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