Monday 13 June 2016

story - An enigmatic rebus - Clue Twenty Five

<<---First clue
<---Previous clue

You head through the door. Immediately, you are blinded by a sudden burst of light. You stand in the doorway, blinking, as the door closes and pushes you into the room. As your eyes adjust, you see that there are four bright lights in front of you, shaped like the sun. You look closer...]]]]

Next clue--->


Given the mouseover text,

It's not clear if that's supposed to be us talking to ourselves thinking through what to do with four sun pictures, or if we're reading something we see when we examine more closely, or what. My best guess, after OP points out in a comment that Solis is shortened to Sol, is that we're supposed to read the mouseover text as our own musings, though what inspires them is completely unclear.

Given that, ...
  Sol x four — latin Sun (shortened) x 4
  Sol x fur — remove the 'o'?
  Sul x fur — turn the 'o' into a 'u'?

looks an awful lot like
Sulfur or Sulphur

which seems to be in keeping with the other puzzles in the series which have all been alchemical looking substances, spices, or elements.

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