Friday, 19 August 2016

ads cft - Boundary conditions for fields in Kerr/CFT

I am reading a paper by Guica et al. on Kerr/CFT correspondence (arXiv:0809.4266) and I'm not sure if I got this. They choose the boundary conditions, like a deviation of the full metric from the background Near-Horizon Extremal Kerr (NHEK) metric. Let's say that we can write that deviation like


And the most general diffeomorphism which preserve the boundary conditions given in the text is:


What my mentor told me, while briefly explaining this, is that we basically need to find the most general ξ such that Lξgμν is within the class of the boundary conditions.

But how do I find these ξ?

How can you find these boundary conditions and diffeomorphisms? Or better jet, how do I find diffeomorphism using those boundary conditions? :\

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