While reading some answers on similar topics, I was wondering about the nature of the Big Bang singularity in the standard cosmological model. I know it's a spacelike singularity that have a causality horizon, but I have read several contradicting answers and comments about it being "naked" or not (I admit that I may have contributed myself to the confusion!). So my question is this :
Is the Big Bang a naked singularity in the standard cosmological model?
In a flat space (k=0) dust universe, the causality or particles horizon (NOT the same as event horizon) is located at a proper distance DdustC(t0)=3t0, where t0 is the age of the dust universe. The scale factor is a(t)∝t23. Thus, a comoving observer cannot "see" what's on the other side of this horizon, until he waits for a time t>t0. There is no event horizon in this spacetime. So is the Big Bang singularity at t=0 clothed or naked?
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