Tuesday, 23 August 2016

homework and exercises - Is there a quick way of finding the kinetic energy on spherical coordinates?

Assume a particle in 3D euclidean space. Its kinetic energy: T=12m(˙x2+˙y2+˙z2)

I need to change to spherical coordinates and find its kinetic energy: T=12m(˙r2+r2˙θ2+r2sin2θ˙ϕ2)

Its well known that: x=rsinθcosϕy=rsinθsinϕz=rcosθ

A way of doing it is taking the time derivatives, arriving with 3+3+2=8 different terms with some squares, then open it arriving at 6+6+3=12 different terms majority of them with 4 sine or cossine multiplications. Then to cancel out some terms somehow to arrive in this neat 3-term expression for kinetic energy in spherical coordinates. In short, a lot of work just to arrive in a simple expression.

Here is my question: Is there a shorter way? Or even better: is there an effortless way?


There is an effortless way, if you accept geometrical reasoning.

You know, that T=12mv2=12m|v|2. Furthermore, spherical coordinates are orthogonal, therefore you can just write:


Geometrically, one easily finds: vr=˙r, vθ=r˙θ and vϕ=rsin(θ)˙ϕ.

And thus the result:


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