I'm given the cosmological metric
and perfect fluid with stress-energy tensor
I want to examine Tμν;ν=0 to determine the conditions imposed on p and ρ.
My thought process is this: evaluate the time and spatial components separately. I have also calculated the non-vanishing Christoffel symbols from the given metric: Γtxx=a(t)˙a(t), Γtyy=a(t)˙a(t), Γtzz=a(t)˙a(t), Γxtx=˙a(t)/a(t), Γyty=˙a(t)/a(t), Γztz=˙a(t)/a(t). I know this is also related to the Friedmann equations.
I am just unsure of how to calculate Tμν;ν=0 and then find the constraints on p and ρ. Thanks!
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