Congratulations to @GarethMcCaughan for his victory on the long unsolved Part II of this mystery! Kudos!
Part VIII will hold a not-so-fun twist! Solve this one quickly, and we can get to it!
New Hints Below!
The hints should have made this obvious, by now!
You go to
(Solution to Part VI)
as per the hiker’s note. Now, this is getting annoying! You’ve gone to two different continents just because of his obscure clues... but, at the same time, you’re proud of yourself for managing to solve these tough riddles!
Unfortunately, as soon as you arrive at your hotel, you notice a display of cards on your bed!
There is also a note:
Get into the files as soon as possible to discover more clues. You’re starting to regret hiking in those woods... Who knows what could happen next?
Card Images Credit:
Our hiker will return in Part VIII with a not-so-fun twist!
Hint 1
If the hiker only wants whether it is red or black (and not the suit), shouldn't it make sense that the pattern in the cards is also dependent on the color and not the suit? Hmm...
Hint 2
This hiker has been leading you on so many wild goose chases! He must be a very mean person, right?
Hint 3
You know what they say, right? Red cards are twice as good as black cards!
Hint 4
Man, after eating all this much, your weight must be twice as much as average!
(^ That is a HUGE hint!)
This puzzle doesn't seem to be reasonably solvable without the hints (unless I'm missing some clues hidden in the letter, perhaps). Hint 3 contains vital information which I didn't see anywhere else. Anyway, the solution is
in each row, the value of the 3rd card is a weighted average of the 1st and 2nd, where (for some reason) red is worth twice as much as black.
Row 1: 9×2+4×13=7.333...≈7.
Row 2: 13×2+2×13=9.333...≈9.
Row 3: 5×2+3×24=4.
Row 4: 11×1+8×23=9.
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