Wednesday, 31 August 2016

no computers - E's-y Word-Square Fill-in

Not necessarily easy, but "'E's-y"!

For each word square below, the Es have been filled in for you. Your task is to complete the rest of the square using only five other distinct letters. That is, you may pick any five letters of the alphabet (other than E), and use each of those letters as many times as you wish. Each square uses a different set of five letters, although there may be overlap between squares. (e.g. if square (1) uses BFKLZ, square (2) might use ABKMR).

The solutions contain only relatively-common English words that should be known to an educated native English speaker. There are no abbreviations, slang terms, archaic words, foreign words, or anything else unusual.


While I can't prevent anyone from writing a computer program to solve these, I would encourage people to try it without. Where's the fun in brute-forcing a solution?

(Feel free to use a computer to help you find word patterns for a single word, just not to solve the whole puzzle.)


Since the answers all came out piecemeal, I figured I'd post them all together in one answer here, to make it easier for people to see the solutions.

\require{color} \definecolor{g}{RGB}{0, 180, 0} \begin{array}{rcrc} \raise{3em}1. &NRSTV\quad\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline E&\color{g}N&\color{g}T&E&\color{g}R\\ \hline \color{g}N&E&\color{g}R&\color{g}V&E\\ \hline \color{g}T&\color{g}R&E&E&\color{g}S\\ \hline E&\color{g}V&E&\color{g}N&\color{g}T\\ \hline \color{g}R&E&\color{g}S&\color{g}T&\color{g}S\\ \hline \end{array} \quad\quad\quad \raise{3em}2. &ADGSU\quad \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \color{g}S&\color{g}A&\color{g}G&E&\color{g}S\\ \hline \color{g}A&\color{g}D&\color{g}A&\color{g}G&E\\ \hline \color{g}G&\color{g}A&\color{g}U&\color{g}G&E\\ \hline E&\color{g}G&\color{g}G&E&\color{g}D\\ \hline \color{g}S&E&E&\color{g}D&\color{g}S\\ \hline \end{array}\\ \\ \raise{3em}3. &AHNSV\quad\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \color{g}A&\color{g}S&\color{g}H&E&\color{g}S\\ \hline \color{g}S&\color{g}H&\color{g}A&\color{g}V&E\\ \hline \color{g}H&\color{g}A&\color{g}V&E&\color{g}N\\ \hline E&\color{g}V&E&\color{g}N&\color{g}S\\ \hline \color{g}S&E&\color{g}N&\color{g}S&E\\ \hline \end{array} \quad\quad\quad \raise{3em}4. &ORSTU\quad\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \color{g}T&\color{g}R&\color{g}O&\color{g}U&\color{g}T\\ \hline \color{g}R&E&\color{g}U&\color{g}S&E\\ \hline \color{g}O&\color{g}U&\color{g}T&E&\color{g}R\\ \hline \color{g}U&\color{g}S&E&\color{g}R&\color{g}S\\ \hline \color{g}T&E&\color{g}R&\color{g}S&E\\ \hline \end{array}\\ \end{array}

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