Sunday, 21 August 2016

quantum mechanics - Why does the density matrix rho obey a wrong-signed Heisenberg equation of motion?

The density matrix is defined as ρψ := |ψ(t)ψ(t)|ψ(t)|ψ(t) in the Schrödinger picture. ρψ is obviously a time dependent projector, and the equation of motion on these projectors become:
iddtρψ = [H,ρψ] but my book also reports that the Heisenberg equation of motion on the operators/observables is: iddtA = [A,H].
Why are the signs in eqs. (S) and (H) opposite?

Isn't A an operator like ρψ, although time independent? They belong to the same operator space, so I don't think I can apply duality, but I know that A operate on the states to give us the expectation value through the relation Tr(ρψA) so it should be in the dual space of the observables.


Actually, you can use duality:

the normal states of quantum mechanics are objects of the (unique) predual of the von Neumann algebra of quantum observables.

Using a concrete example: if the algebra of observables are the bounded operators on a Hilbert space, the predual are the trace class operators. Of them, the normal states are the ones positive, self-adjoint and of trace norm one.

It is then clear that by mutual duality the evolution on observables/states induces the evolution of states/observables; and that takes into account of the "minus sign" in the generator that is different between the two.

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