Sunday, 28 August 2016

quantum mechanics - Finding the energy levels of an electron in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field

Suppose we have an electron, mass m, charge e, moving in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B=(0,0,B). Let x=(x1,x2,0) be its position and Pi,Xi be the position and momentum operators.

The electron has Hamiltonian


How can I show that this is analogous to the one dimensional harmonic oscillator and then use this fact to describe its energy levels?

I have attempted to expand out the Hamiltonian and found:


This looks very similar to the 2D harmonic oscillator, if anyone can help/point out where I am wrong I'd much appreciate it!


Starting from the canonical momenta:

Π1=P112eBX2 and Π2=P2+12eBX1,

We get


Thus the operators:

a=12eB(Π1+iΠ2) and


satisfy the canonical commutation relation [a,a]=1

Making the substitution in the Hamiltonian we obtain:

H=ω(aa+12), with ω=eBm.

The difference from the Harmonic oscillator lies in the fact that now the energy levels are infinitely degenerate for example, the ground states equation:


has an infinite number of solutions and any function of the form:


is a ground state. These are the lowest Landau levels.

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