Monday, 15 August 2016

condensed matter - Ignoring (sigmaiM)(sigmajM) in mean field theory?

A way to do mean field theory for the Ising model is as follows.

  1. First take the Ising Hamiltonian: $$H=-J \sum_{\left} \sigma_i\sigma_j$$

  2. Let σi=σiM+M and likewise for σj to get: $$H=-J \sum_{\left} (M^2 +(\sigma_i-M)M+(\sigma_j-M)M+\underbrace{(\sigma_i-M)(\sigma_j-M)}_{\bigstar})$$

  3. Ignore the stared () term.

  4. Write down the partition function, apply a self-consistency condition etc.

Given that in the Ising model σi=±1 thus for any given i and j, the () term is not going to be small. What is the standard justificiation for then ignoring it?


Even though σiM is not small, expectation value of its square is small as that corresponds to the variance, hence fluctuations, which are assumed to be next order terms in the mean-field-theory. That's why summation (σiM)(σjM), which is basically autocovariance function along lattice sites, should be small. By the way, here we should have M=<σi>.

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