Monday, 25 September 2017

quantum mechanics - Harmonic oscillator coherent state expectation values

I'm looking to calculate the expected values of a coherent state (of a harmonic oscillator) evolving in time. I know that the $x$ and $p$ expectation values are as in classical motion, but I'm wondering about $x^2$ and $p^2$.

Let's say I'm starting with the coherent state $| b \rangle$, with $b \in \mathbb{R}$, so the wavefunction is the ground state displaced by $bx_0\sqrt{2}$:

$$\psi_b (x) = \psi_0(x-bx_0\sqrt{2})$$

Or similarly the Wigner function will be

$$W_b(x,p) = W_0(x-bx_0\sqrt{2},p)$$

Now I know the expected values of $x$ and $p$ are classical:

$$\langle x(t) \rangle = bx_0\sqrt{2}\cos(-\omega t)$$ $$\langle p(t) \rangle = bp_0\sqrt{2}\sin(-\omega t)$$

But what about $\langle x^2(t) \rangle$ and $\langle p^2(t) \rangle$ and ?

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