Wednesday, 14 January 2015

quantum mechanics - Expressing two particle state as a combination of single particle states

Say I have a Fock space H with basis K={|k|kN}. Then I consider the following single particle states:

|A=kKak|k, |B=kKbk|k.

I know that |k1k2=12(|k1|k2|k2|k1) is a valid fermionic two-particle state. I expected I could calculate the two particle state which contains particles A and B as


But it turns out that


So how do I write this two particle state |AB? It should be expressible as


but what is ck1k2? Is it ck1k2=ak1bk2? Why?


Why should


be true?

By switching the indices you get


As you can see, the symmetric terms vanish, but the antisymmetric ones remain. From this equation, it is easy to see that


Further information is given here.

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