Thursday 4 August 2016

knowledge - Who stole the bitcoins?


You want to give bitcoins to a person you have met. Part of the deal is to give the bitcoins in the most untraceable way. So you have decided to send an email to him with the address (you already have sent the private key). The email you sent to him is shown here below:

Email 1:

I have already sent the private key to you in another email.

To get the bitcoin address, please take a look at the attachments,



The attachment lead to this image:

enter image description here

Email 2:

It looked as if everything went smooth, until you got an email back from the person you sent the email to. The email he sent is shown below:


It seems that the wallet you sent me is empty,



The task

It seems that the bitcoin wallet was already emptied by someone else. Your task is to find out who has stolen the bitcoins.


Tip 1:

It was not the person you have sent the email to.

Tip 2 (important}:

The name of the person who stole the bitcoin is in this list.



Bee Holzman


When the QR code is decrypted, we are given NGnc7. As @LeppyR64 figured out, this is an Imgur address, which leads us to this image:

Bitcoin logo

Open this image with a text editor and you will find the bitcoin address at the end (see here for an image):


Running a blockchain search for this address gives us :

One transaction: -0.02 BTC to the address 14j3zgcJoDGPzfUNEUzMAPHB57E4xVBSoL.

And that address belongs to...

Bee Holzman.

Most of this is from @LeppyR64's partial answer, I just finished off.

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