Tuesday 2 August 2016

Chess Golf: Peaceful Double Mate

Given the board below, create a checkmate for both sides, ensuring that no pieces are capable of capturing any other piece excluding captures targeted at the kings.


Blue moves south and pink moves north.

Turns between colors are not needed here, move the pieces in any order so long as they move within the rules respective to the piece being moved.

The winning board will have the fewest moves possible while ensuring that:

  • Blue is in checkmate.

  • Pink is in checkmate.

  • Every piece but the kings are not at risk of being captured by another piece.

Remember that friendly fire is enabled so each side can also capture their own pieces too.

This is chess golf so the fewest number of moves wins. Also, being the first in the series this one is simple to ensure everyone has a chance to solve it. I will mark the winner correct on Friday to give new comers time to solve.


It is possible to do it in

5 moves.

Observe that

both kings would be in checkmate were it not for the queen which can come to a5 to block the rook's attack and the pink bishop which can come to f1 or a6, blocking the attack on either of the kings.

Also, there is a triple attack on the blue bishop and an attack on the pink knight.

The moves

Nf6, Bd6, Ra5, Bb1, Qxb1 take care of all these problems and result in a situation as demanded.

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